
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1st day of school

First day of school went fairly well. Using the model I learned at Capturing Kids Hearts worked nicely. The "time-out" signal gets their attention and I think they are beginning to understand what we discussed about the way we treat each other. There were 2 who chose to go to classroom time-out. One 3rd grader, after going through the 4 questions with him because he was talking, straightened up right away. The four questions are:
1. What are you doing? --if you don't get the right answer, ask it again--sometimes "nothing" IS the right answer.
2. What are you supposed to be doing?
3. Were you doing that? --the answer to this one is always "No."
4. What are you going to do about it?

I am working on social contracts with all classes and , hopefully, by the end of their second class with me, the contracts will be completed and signed.

to be continued....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Is it August already?!

August is definitely here in all its hotness. I really feel sorry for the band folks who started summer band practice today. Glad I'm not one of them.
As for me, I head back to school in about a week. I am encouraged by the things I've learned this summer at my workshops and look forward to putting them to the test. I have in my mind to write down some "ponderings" from each day so I can measure how I am doing. Whether or not it will be in this blog or in a notebook has not been decided. I suppose sharing these things would be what this blog is all about. Check back with me towards the end of the month.
God bless.