
Friday, December 14, 2012

Things learned from other blogs while at home with the flu

I love to look at other blogs, especially about technology for teachers. Today, as I sat here in bed with the flu (second round for me this year), I read a blog in my list about how to make an outline of any text. The blog is
A Turn To Learn
click here to go to her blog

The instructions were very helpful but I have Microsoft Office 2010 instead of 2007. Not hard to find out how to do it though. After I went through the steps on her blog and did not find the check box for "outline," I noticed a button at the bottom-- "text effects"-- so I clicked on it and there were my options. Here are the steps (borrowed from "A Turn to Learn" and added to for Microsoft Office 2010):

1. Type your message and decide on fonts to use.

 2. Highlight the words (Ctrl+a will select all) and right click. Select "font". (Yes, you can do them all at once.)

3. Click on "Text Effects" at the bottom of the window.

4. Select "no fill" for text.

5. Select Text Outline and "solid fill" and choose color.


Don't forget to go by "A Turn to Learn" and check out her "Technology Tuesday" for great tips!