
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mini-books finally!

While sitting here waiting for things to happen, I decided to be creative and develop some of those mini-books I had written about in an earlier blog. These products can also be used individually or in an interactive notebook.
I have seen lap books featuring different themes in different subjects so I decided I could make some for my music classes. These are easy for me to leave for my sub too!
My first set is the instrument families. I used some blackline pictures from one TpT source and found some “Foldables” from another source. Combined, I think they are splendid! I also made one for dynamics which is included with the instrument families.
Instrument Family Foldables brassInstrument Family Foldables stringsInstrument Family FoldablesInstrument Family Foldables woodwinds

These can be found in my TpT store. When I am able to print them out, I will make a booklet and take pictures to show you here.